Single parents in Hungary


These families have such a heavy handicap in their life which is very difficult to overcome only from their own strength.


We collected:

12 Facts about Single Parent Families in Hungary


1.) A parent is absent in 341,000 families in Hungary

Statistical data indicate that the number of single parent families can be estimated at 341,000.

2.) 500,000 children live in single parent families

In Hungary every fourth child is brought up by a single parent and nearly 30% of all children have lived in single parent families during their childhood.

3.) In the world every fourth family has a single parent

A minimum of one third of the next generation of children in Europe will be brought up by single parents.

4.) The number of single parent families keeps rising

The ratio of single parent families has doubled in Hungary in the past 40 years.

5.) The number of children with disabilities is proportionately higher in single parent families

If a child is born with a disability or a chronic disease, his/her parents have a higher chance of separating.

6.) Single parenting is a leading poverty risk

Children were in need in 47.3% of single parent families in 2009, while this figure rose to 50.9% in 2012.

7.) The first period after divorce or widow(er)hood is the most critical time

From a financial aspect, the first period after a divorce or becoming a widow is the most critical time and it is rather difficult to emerge from the difficult financial situation linked to being a single parent.

8.) By the time children grow up they will have lived in several types of family

The number of families who have already lived in different types of family has become enormous.

9.) Single parents regard isolation as their greatest problem

A survey conducted by the Single Parent Families' Foundation shows that isolation represents the greatest problem for single parents. It is followed by financial problems and organisational issues with regard to children.

10.) Single parents are still regarded as stigmatized families

Parents bringing up their children on their own often face pity or are even despised, although the majority have not taken on this way of life of their own volition.

11.) The mother is the head of family in more than eight out of ten single parent families

International surveys show that fathers living apart do not participate in the life of 80% of children weekly and 30% of fathers have not seen their children in the past year

12.) Single parenting may mean diverse life situations

Most people become single parents due to divorce, death of the spouse or adoption. There are many women who have been left when pregnant or decide to have a child on their own. 47.5% of children were already born out of wedlock in 2013.

Source: KSH, Unicef, Harcsa-Monostori: Social Statistical-Sociological Features of Single Parent Families